Lose Your Marbles
Dizionario inglese italiano Word. Reference. Word. Reference English Italiano Dictionary 2. Principal TranslationsTraduzioni principalilose sthvtrtransitive verb Verb taking a direct object for example, Say something. She found the cat. He lost his keys. Ha perso le chiavi. Verb taking a direct object for example, Say something. She found the cat. They knew that they were going to lose the game. Sapevano che avrebbero perso la partita. Lose Your Marbles Game Free DownloadI love this idea but my husband would kill me if I drilled holes in our fence so I think I can do the same thing by using marbles that are flat on one side and glue. An extremely addictive puzzle game, Lose Your Marbles from SEGA was marketed as the game that is better than Tetris. More addictive than Tetris or your money back. To start building your game you need to first need to decide what kind of board game you want to build. With the immense number of board games out there, this task. Fig. to go crazy to go out of ones mind. What a silly thing to say Have you lost your marbles Look at Sally jumping up and down and screaming. Large Toy Marbles,marbles for sale. Glass Marbles here. Water does a body good, but is it really the miracle cure that some people claim Heres how drinking water really affects your body and your brain. Verb taking a direct object for example, Say something. She found the cat. They lost their right to use the library because they were so loud. Hanno perso il diritto di usare la biblioteca perch facevano troppo rumore. Verb taking a direct object for example, Say something. She found the cat. His lack of punctuality lost him his job. La sua mancanza di puntualit gli ha fatto perdere il lavoro. La sua mancanza di puntualit gli costata il lavoro. Verb taking a direct object for example, Say something. She found the cat. We lost a thousand dollars in the stock market. Abbiamo perso mille dollari in borsa. Traduzioni aggiuntiveloseviintransitive verb Verb not taking a direct object for example, She jokes. He has arrived. failfallirevi I cant do this job. DIiV6X1IWzxeNAEoYigUq2Lg1efhsLsYy-j0t6azbEkYDaWATfLjrji8HgcSCg_ig=h310' alt='Lose Your Marbles' title='Lose Your Marbles' />Greece has called for the return of the socalled Elgin Marbles from the British Museum as a symbolic act in the fight against antidemocratic forces seeking the. An huge collection of all those strange English words and phrases combined in a dictionary of slang and colloquialisms of the UK. Play Javascript Games Online, Lose your marbles. Get the latest news and updates delivered straight to your email. Lose Traduzione del vocabolo e dei suoi composti, e discussioni del forum. Im going to lose again. Non so fare questo lavoro. Fallir di nuovo. Verb taking a direct object for example, Say something. She found the cat. What was her nameIve lost it for the moment. Come si chiamava In questo momento lho dimenticato. Verb taking a direct object for example, Say something. She found the cat. You are losing me. Can you say it again more slowly Mi sto perdendo. Puoi ripeterlo pi lentamente Non riesco a seguirti. Puoi ripeterlo pi lentamente Verb taking a direct object for example, Say something. She found the cat. She lost her husband to cancer two years ago. Ha perso il marito per un cancro due anni fa. Verb taking a direct object for example, Say something. She found the cat. Perl Programs For Beginners here. If you dont act now, youll be losing a great opportunity. Se non agite adesso perderete una grossa opportunit. Verb taking a direct object for example, Say something. She found the cat. The bandit lost the police when he entered the forest. Il bandito ha seminato la polizia quando entrato nella foresta. Verb taking a direct object for example, Say something. She found the cat. Its a lovely antique clock, but it loses about ten minutes per week. Verb taking a direct object for example, Say something. She found the cat. Youd better lose that attitude. Faresti meglio a perdere quellatteggiamento. Word. Reference English Italiano Dictionary 2. Compound FormsForme compostehave nothing to losev exprverbal expression Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb for example, put their heads together, come to an end. You have nothing to lose by applying to the university. Non hai niente da perdere a fare domanda di ammissione alluniversit. UK lose colourvtr n. US go pale, fade personeimpallidire, sbiancarevi People lose color when they pass out. Le persone impallidiscono quando svengono. Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb for example, put their heads together, come to an end. Hell lose concentration if you keep pulling faces at him. Perder la concentrazione se continui a fargli le boccacce. Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb for example, put their heads together, come to an end. The Republicans lost control of the U. S. Senate. This sentence is not a translation of the original sentence. I Repubblicani hanno perso il controllo del Senato dopo le elezioni di met mandato. Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb for example, put their heads together, come to an end. He was so frightened, he lost control of his bladder. Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb for example, put their heads together, come to an end. Some said that skateboarding was a fad that would lose currency in no time. Anni fa si diceva che lo skateboard era una mania che sarebbe passata di moda in breve tempo. Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb for example, put their heads together, come to an end. Its been three days, Im losing hope of ever finding my puppy again. Sono passati tre giorni, sto perdendo la speranza di ritrovare il mio cucciolo. Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb for example, put their heads together, come to an end. Ive lost interest in politics I really dont care who wins or loses. Ho perso interesse per la politica, non mi importa pi niente di chi vince o chi perde. Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb for example, put their heads together, come to an end. After I nearly drowned, I lost interest in swimming. Timmy lost interest in the toy after taking it away from his baby sister. Timmy ha perso linteresse per quel giocattolo dopo averlo portato via alla sua sorellina. Da quando ho rischiato di annegare non mi interessa pi imparare a nuotare. Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb for example, put their heads together, come to an end. Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb for example, put their heads together, come to an end. Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb for example, put their heads together, come to an end. As a bullet loses momentum, it arches down toward the ground. Man mano che perde velocit, la pallottola curva verso terra.