Make Faces Google Sketchup Plugin

Volume Calculator Google Sketch. Up Plugin Review. The Volume Calculator plugin created by TGI is a great plugin that allows you to calculate the volume of certain objects. It works really well and has a simple menu to fill out. The menu gives you the option of the units to be used, which layer to place the NEW object on be aware that this plugin does create a new object that is not the original. You also have the option to hide sides and the original object and finally what color to make the new object. I recommend using a certain color style to differentiate from volume measurements and the actual object. This tool has a drawback it will only allow you to find the volume of objects that are grouped or a component. You cannot simply just highlight objects and find the volume. Dear Fredo6 this is getting to a point that its getting hard to find new words to describe your work and what your doing for this comunity and sketchup itself. Using a CNC Mill is pretty easy, and Im going to show you how to upload a Google SketchUp project onto MillWizard. StyleSheet for use when a translation requires any css style changes. This StyleSheet can be used directly by languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean. NOTE to use this plugin you need to create a group or component, then right click it and click Volume. Overall, the Volume Calculator plugin created by TGI is a great tool to have to get some more insight into your model. At the time of this review this plugin is free and is available at www. I give this plugin 3 out 5 stars. Sketch. Up DWG Import Guide Procrastinators Revolt Importing DWG files into Sketch. Up can lead to unexpected results and problems. In this guide Ill outline the steps I perform when importing a DWG drawing. The DWG files I work with are usually building plans or site plans for architectural projects. Preparations Auto. Make Faces Google Sketchup Plugin' title='Make Faces Google Sketchup Plugin' />Make Faces Google Sketchup PluginCADI avoid importing directly into Sketch. Up. A DWG file often contains excess old data which you dont want to import and some features doesnt translate well into Sketch. Up unless you make some preparations. Copy all geometry to be imported to the clipboard. Create a new DWG file. Make Faces Google Sketchup Plugin' title='Make Faces Google Sketchup Plugin' />Paste everything at the origin. This is to avoid problems with old stale data and hidden stuff that might cause problems when importing into Sketch. Up. 4. Explode all 2. Holistic Simulation Of Geotechnical Installation Processes Of Change. Hey Welcome to SCF. Very nice plugin. Got a couple of comments It does not create the grass in the active context. If I open a group or component and select faces. Select edges for Make Faces or Right Mouse Id happy if you donate a cup of coffee. Prsentation du logiciel de modlisation 3D SketchUp Pro et de SketchUp Make gratuit ainsi que de LayOut, le logiciel de mise en page de la version Pro. D Polylines. Arcs within a 2. D Polyline will appear straight when imported into Sketch. Up unless you explode the 2. Sketchy Physics is een gratis en unieke plugin voor SketchUp Pro. Het programma kan objecten laten bewegsketchyphysics logoen, vallen, roteren, etc. SketchyPhysics. Make Faces Google Sketchup PluginD Polyline so the arc segments are extracted from the polyline. Purge. 6. Audit. 7. Purge. These are the final steps I perform in Auto. CAD that I do in order to reduce the amount of stale data imported. It might sound a bit convoluted but all these steps have specific purposes and have proved themselves over the last five years to greatly deduce the amount of problems that might appear when working with imported geometry. Check DWG units. Before closing the file I ensure to check what units are used in the DWG file as we need to know this when importing into Sketch. Up. In Auto. CAD you can do this by typing the command UNITSImporting into Sketch. Up 9. Open a new Sketch. Up model. I avoid importing directly into a working model. Instead I open a new fresh model so I can ensure the import is correct before merging with the main model. File Import Select File. Important Click the Options button in the file dialogue and ensure the units are correct. Sketch. Up does not detect the unit from the DWG file. If you import with the incorrect units and simply scale up or down the geometry to fit you might run into accuracy problems. Also ensure that Preserve drawing origin is unchecked. FvTG.jpg' alt='Make Faces Google Sketchup Plugin' title='Make Faces Google Sketchup Plugin' />Sketch. Up doesnt handle extremely large units very well which is what you will get if you import a DWG which was drawn at world coordinates. If you dont do this you are likely to suffer from the mighty clipping bug where as you navigate around your model parts of it will appear to be clipped away and you start seeing through your model. Remove all materials OptionalThe DWG files I import often have colours applies to the edges. I very rarely have any use of these materials. Because of that I tend to remove all materials of the imported geometry. Instead of removing each material one by one in the Material Browser I use a plugin I wrote, Material Tools, which will do it in one big schwoop Another reason to import into an empty file and not your working model. Window Model Info Statistics Purge Unused. As in Auto. CAD you should purge your Sketch. Up model often. And before inserting the imported geometry into a new model it should be purged first so you ensure youre not importing unused data. Notice I have checked the Show nested components checkbox. It does not affect the purge operation, but it makes the statistics display information for the whole model, not just the root level of the model. Inspect the model and see if everything looks OK. You might find that some blocks, imported as components, will appear to jitter and jump around in the drawing when you navigate the model. The reason for that will be that the block had an insertion point far away from the geometry. You can either explode the troublesome components, or if you need to keep them as components you can simply reset their origin. You can use the plugin Axes Tools to reset the axes en masse. Additionally, Dynamic Blocks in Auto. CAD might cause unexpected results when importing. For instance, at the office we sometimes have a dynamic block for vehicles with different turning radiuses illustrated. This dynamic block has multiple blocks inside it which is hidden depending on which radius you want to display. When these are imported into Sketch. Up all the variations, all the hidden blocks, inside the dynamic block will be visible. These require cleanups either in Auto. CAD or Sketch. Up removing the redundant hidden blocks. Note on DWGs with 3. D data. If youre importing DWG files with 3. D mesh data you might want to run Clean. Up on it after step 1. This will attempt to reduce excess edges and faces which can greatly increase the performance. Bonus Tip Exporting. When you export a DWG from Sketch. Up the units will incorrectly be set to inches. Example if you export a 1. DWG, it will be set as 1. To correct this you must redefine the unit type in the DWG file. In Auto. CAD, type UNITS and you should get a dialogue where you can change the units.