Software Defined Radio For The
Software defined radio Software Software Defined Radio. Cubic. SDR. Cubic. SDR is a free SDR receiver which is based on the liquid dsp libraries. Run under Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. Hits 1. 14. 6 Votes 0 Rating 0. Software Defined Radio For The' title='Software Defined Radio For The' />High Performance Software Defined Radio design group, open source design, uses FPGA. SDR Touch supports receiving FM radio, AM, SSB and CW broadcasts including HAM radio amateurs, police, air traffic, weather reports, fire department and emergency. FlexRadio Systems is THE LEADER in the design and development of software defined radios for the amateur radio market. FlexRadio was the first to introduce an SDR. Any mode, anywhere. No drivers required Device drivers are already included in your operating system Windows, Linux or Mac OSX, 32 or 64 bit. With a simple digital TV USB capture card, you can build your own software defined radio or spectrum analyzer. Skin For Delphi 7. While it may not be as cool as Jeri. WB5RVZ SDR Pages Dedicated to helping amateur radio hobbiests construct and understand the operation of Software Defined Radios, specifically the. Exchange information among ham radio amateur radio operators interested in Software Defined Radio Equipment. Cute. SDR. Cute. SDR Open Source application for. Mac. OSX, Linux, and Windows designed to run with RFSPace SDR receiver. Hits 4. 23. 8 Votes 3 Rating 6. Digital Radio DCM. Programmable Digital Radio Receivers. Hits 5. 69. 5 Votes 4 Rating 2. SDR. dogpark. SDR is a native Macintosh visual radio display and interactive control software for any Flex Radio Systems. Hits 3. 58 Votes 0 Rating 0. Dream. Opensource software implementation of a DRM Receiver. Digital Radio Mondiale DRM is a new digital radio standard for the long, medium and short wave ranges. Hits 1. 40. 51 Votes 1. Rating 6. 3. 6 Dream DRM Receiver. Open Source Software Implementation of a DRM Digital Radio Mondiale Receiver. Dream runs on virtually any pc and requires a receiver front end to work as a real radio. Hits 7. 53 Votes 2 Rating 1. DRM Software Radio Project. The DRM Software Radio is based on the proven Fraunhofer DRM engine, which is considered to be the most advanced DRM engine today, built around fully licensed proprietary DRM encoding technology. Hits 3. 79. 9 Votes 4 Rating 7. DSP Radio. Freeware software defined radio application for Mac. OSx 1. 0. 6 can interface with several SDR receivers and transmitters, also known as MACSDR. Hits 5. 38. 4 Votes 1. Rating 7. 4. 5 DSP Radio. DSP Radio Software Defined Radio for Mac OS X by DL2. SDR. Hits 2. 27. Votes 6 Rating 8. DSP 1. 0 2 meter DSP transceiver. The DSP 1. 0 is an amateur radio, software defined 2 meter transceiver that can be built at home. It operates not only on SSB, FM and CW, but also on four Weak Signal modes. Features are tailored to operation on VHF, UHF and Microwave frequencies. By W7. PUA. Hits 1. Votes 3. 7 Rating 8. Fh. G Software Radio. The Fraunhofer Software Radio is a first class DRM reception system which provides audio and multimedia data content. Hits 2. 51. 8 Votes 1 Rating 1. Flex. Radio Downloads. This is the repository for all files related to Flex. Radio SDR products and accessories. Hits 1. 26. 7 Votes 1 Rating 1. Flex. Radio Systems Software Defined Radios. Flex. Radio Systems delivers the first truly open source Software Defined Radio transceiver for Amateur Radio use. Receive Only versions are also available for non Amateur Radio applications. Read the SDR Articles and the SDR 1. Product Information. Hits 1. 15. 21 Votes 1. Rating 5. 7. 7 Free Power. SDR Skins. Download free skins for Power. SDR, a SDR client appliction. Skins provided by W1. AEX. Hits 7. 86 Votes 2 Rating 7. GNU Radio GNU FSF Project. GNU Radio is a collection of software that when combined with minimal hardware, allows the construction of radios where the actual waveforms transmitted and received are defined by software. Hits 3. 60. 4 Votes 2 Rating 7. GQRX. GQRX is a free and simple to use SDR receiver which runs on Linux and Mac. OS X. GQRX comes with a standard FFT spectrum and waterfall display and a number of common filter settings. Hits 5. 37 Votes 1 Rating 1. Heterodyne. Heterodyne is a Mac. OS software defined radio designed to work with the Open. HPSDR hardware. Hits 6. Votes 1 Rating 6. High Performance Software Defined Radio. The HPSDR is an open source, GNU type, hardware and software project intended as a next generation Software Defined Radio SDR for use by Radio Amateurs and Short Wave Listeners. Hits 7. 95. 9 Votes 5 Rating 6. High Performance Software Defined Radio. The HPSDR is an open source hardware and software project intended as a next generation Software Defined Radio for use by Radio Amateurs. Hits 2. 38. 1 Votes 4 Rating 9. SDR. i. SDR is a software defined radio application compatible with the Apple i. Phone, i. Pod touch and i. Pad. i. SDR is designed for experimenters, shortwave listeners, and amateur radio enthusiasts who would like a truly portable software defined radio receiver. Hits 8. 65. 6 Votes 1. Rating 8. 1. 2 Java GUI for dttsp. This is an attempt at writing a GUI in Java that runs with the Linux dttsp code. Hits 2. 02. 0 Votes 7 Rating 6. K9. DUR Voice Keyer. Voice Keyer was specifically written to interface to Power. SDR via Virtual Audio Cable VAC. Hits 9. 46 Votes 2 Rating 5. Linrad. An open source software defined receiver for Linux, Free DSP and Windows. Hits 4. 94. 7 Votes 3 Rating 7. M0. KGK SDR Decoder Software. KGKSDR is my attempt at some SDR decoding software. Im putting this software together purely as a learning exercise, to better understand the mathematics behind SDR in general. Hits 3. 74. 7 Votes 9 Rating 7. MDSR. Modulator Demodulator Software Radio. A radio communication system where modulating and demodulating components are implemented using software on a personal computer or other embedded computing devices using by a converter. Hits 7. 20 Votes 2. Rating 7. 8. 3 Mini. Deluxe. Mini. Deluxe is a light weight replacement for Ham Radio Deluxe that provides interoperability with Flex. Radios Power. SDR and Ham Radio Deluxes Logbook and digital mode programs. Hits 2. 25. 7 Votes 0 Rating 0. MNM4. SDR. Remote SDR software, if both a windows client that allow you to manage a remote Raspberry PI connected to a a RTL SDR and a Raspberry PI RTL SDR server. Hits 4. 15 Votes 0 Rating 0. Multi. Dem. USB LSB AM Modem ModulatorDemodulator for Sd. R and DSB direct conversion transceivers by F6. CTE. Hits 3. 73. Votes 2 Rating 6. Na. P3. Na. 3P Panadapter Software. Hits 8. 52 Votes 0 Rating 0. Open Source SDR. Modular Software Radio, at sourceforge. Hits 4. 34. 8 Votes 2 Rating 8. Open. SDR Software Defined Radio. The Open SDR Project. Hits 5. 64. 2 Votes 4 Rating 6. Osmocom. SDR rtl sdr. The RTL SDR software by Osmocom, allow DVB T dongles based on the Realtek RTL2. U to be used as a cheap SDR. Hits 2. 62. 2 Votes 5 Rating 7. PA3. FWMs software defined radio page. Experimenting with the new way of building a radio receiver known as software defined radio. This page gives some information about this project. Hits 3. 77. 5 Votes 1. Rating 6. 0. 7 Rocky Software for Soft. Rock. 40. SDR software for Soft. Rock. 40 freeware by Alex VE3. NEA. Hits 1. 02. Votes 8 Rating 9. SDR Navigator for Winrad. The SDR Navigator is a program which works as a layer between Winrad and your EXT IO HW DLL Softrock, PMSDR, Elektor SDR. The SDR Navigator gives the user some useful functionalities to quick navigate with Winrad by HB9. FBD. Hits 9. 68 Votes 1 Rating 1. SDR Sharp. SDR read SDR Sharp is a high performance Software Defined Radio application. SDR sharp is a fully featured SDR capable of handling samplerates from k. Hz level soundcards up to multi hundred MHz dedicated samplers, thanks to its multi core architecture. Hits 1. 96. 4 Votes 6 Rating 7. SDR Touch Android SDR. Turn your android mobile phone or tablet into an affordable and portable software defined radio scanner. Hits 4. 55. 8 Votes 2. Rating 5. 1. 5 SDR RADIO. SDR RADIO. com is a Windows console for SDR receivers and transceivers. Designed for the commercial, amateur radio and short wave listener communities, the console provides a powerful interface for all SDR users.